The leadership of SCC is comprised of full and part-time paid staff and lay leaders. Oversight of the church is provided by our Consistory (church board) that is made up of Elders and Deacons.


SCC seeks the fullness of what God has called us to. Therefore, we turn to Paul’s writing in Ephesians 4:11-13 for structure and guidance in our leadership, designating equipping leaders according to these gifts (Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Shepherding, Teaching) of Christ in order that we may be lacking in nothing. Like streams flowing through a valley, these gifts are tended to by their respective leaders that all our ministries can drink of them and carry their water to areas of need. The leaders also champion each of these gifts, calling us upward into Christ and training others to practice in their giftedness.

Prophetic Stream Leader: Vada Reilly

Shepherding Stream Leaders: Kurt & Suzy Humphrey

Teaching Stream Leader: Scott Reese

Church Board



Alan Weaver (Vice President)

Jared Keller

Marcia Matheny

Grace M’Hango

Paul Reilly


Scott Czysz (Chair)

Dennis Gaymon

Gunnar Hoglund

Rebecca Meyer

Preschool Staff

We have an incredible preschool staff. Click below to meet them!