There’s always a lot going on at Springs Community Church!

  • Girlfriends' Night, Monday, 5.13, 6:30pm

    The May Girlfriends' Night is calling all readers! Bring 1-3 new or gently-used books that you loved and bring home new-to-you books just in time for beautiful summer days of reading. Strictly an E-reader or library borrower? Bring the names of your favorite books to recommend. Meet in the Upper Room at SCC for the fun!

  • 72 School

    "Worship & the Sacraments" begins 5.22

    Worship and sacrament are two words deeply familiar to any churchgoing person, but do we really know what they mean or how big of an effect they have on us and our world? Looking theologically, historically, and practically at what goes into a worship service, a worshipping life, and a worshipping community, this course will tie a bow on many of the things taught so far in 72 School. But it will also enrich any believer who wants to understand what it means to belong to God, to belong to his holy people, to behold him in all of his majesty, and, as Habakkuk prophesied, to see "the earth filled with the knowledge and glory of God, just as waters cover the seas." This 8-week class will meet Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, in the Upper Room at SCC; the cost is $40 plus books. Click the link below to register.

  • Scuba Vacation Bible School, July 15-19

    Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about! VBS open to kids ages 3-5th grade and is happening July 15-19, 9am-noon each day. Click the link below for more info and to sign up!

Other Upcoming Events

Click event for more info or to sign up.